Virgile Finet

Virgile Finet

Runs group lessons on Wednesdays; available for 1:1s on Monday and Wednesdays

Virgile started fencing at the age of 13, and it wasn't long before he began to supervise the youngsters at his club in Champagne, France, where he is from.

Virgile chose to study sports to become a Physical Education (PE) teacher while continuing to take the French federal fencing degrees: "My intention was to become an PE teacher, while being a fencing master at a club. But I discovered during my studies that it was possible to turn my passion into a profession and become a full-time fencing master in a club".

Virgile has coached in the UK since 2018 and runs RFC's popular group lessons held on Wednesday evenings; he is also available for 1:1 lessons which can be booked in advance online - click here - or on the night.